Minutes Board of Directors Meeting
November 1, 2001
Call to Order by President Chesarek at 6:30 P.M.
Present: Chesarek, Koch, Olsen, Fell, Gemmer, Varady, Anthony, Forristall,
French, Brooks
New Members: Bardizbanian, Frisbie, LaVrar
Also Present: Capozzo Absent: Bond
Long Range Planning: Report given by John Sconza provided detailed analysis
of projects anticipated to be needed over next ten years. Report included estimated
costs for each project. Assessment and finance options were also provided. All
of the foregoing is presented for the purpose of developing a plan to be taken
to membership for input and further definition. Discussion followed regarding
the direction from Board sought by the Committee. Moved by Olsen that "Board
of Directors authorizes Long Range Committee to approach all groups within the
Club and Membership at large to solicit input and suggestions regarding the
conceptual Long Range Plan addressed in Memorandum generated from September
20, 2001 meeting." Gemmer second. Motion carried
Minutes of October 4. 2001 meeting.
As amended... motion by Anthony to approve.
French second. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report given by Fell.
Membership Sales and Notations: No new applications have been received.
Board discussed minimum Sales Price. No Action taken.
Committee Reports:
Greens Committee: Anthony reported that
Committee is reviewing possibility of relocation of cart path on 11th hole and
whether playability of hole would be enhanced by such relocation. No Action
Golf Committee: Anthony reported that through October, play has increased
over year 2000 by approximately 1,000 rounds. A new form of contract was presented
for use for outside tournaments. Committee report included suggestions for a
variety of fee increases. Cart Rental Fee increase effective 1 /01/2002 of $1.00/9
holes. $2.00/18 holes; Trail fee increase effective 1/01/2002 to $31.00/month:
Cart shed rental fee increased effective 1/01/2001 to $37.00/month. Olsen motioned
to adopt above increases. Gemmer second. Carried Ayes. 4 No.
Guest Green fees were discussed. Committee recommended changing Weekday Guest
fees from $40 to $45 (when accompanied by member) and Weekend/Holiday Guest
fees from $50 to $55 (when accompanied by member). Anthony motioned to adopt.
Olsen second Motion failed 4 Ayes/5 No. Motion by French to raise Guest Green
fees to Weekday $60, Weekend $70 Motioned failed for lack of second.
On Motion by Forristall to raise Guest Green fees to $50 Weekday (when accompanied
by Member), $60 Weekend/Holiday (when accompanied by Member). Unaccompanied
Guest Fees also be raised by $10. All increases to take effect 1/01/2002. Brooks
second. Motion carried.
Discussion regarding tournament activity on Golf Course both Club and outside
events. No Action taken. House Committee: Gemmer reported that the Committee
is discussing various furniture addition and changes. Minutes of House Committee
meeting provides details. Also discussed were appearance of entrance to both
Mansion and
Terrace Buildings. The Events Board is here and will be installed within themonth.
Sound attenuation measures for Terrace are still being studied.
Tennis Committee: Varsdy reported that Tennis Committee approved increase
of rates for Tennis lessons and Tournaments. Winter hours are now in effect.
The Halloween tennis event drew approximately 50 children and 40 adults. It
was held Friday October 27 and deemed to be very successful. The proposal for
an Associate Tennis Membership in final draft form has been forwarded to By-Laws
Committee and Club Attorney for the purpose of drafting a ballot measure.
Membership Committee: French reported that the Committee has completed
its discussion of the Associate Tennis Membership and is giving consideration
to a prospective member brunch. No Action taken.
Food & Beverage Committee: Brooks reported the Committees work on
a casual dinner dance. A Family Night Dinner has been planned for November 16,
featuring a special menu for children. The Committee had also finalized its
plans for November 2, 2001 Formal Dinner honoring President Chesarek.
Buildings and Grounds: No Report
Pool Committee: No Report
Budget and Finance Committee: No Report
Correspondence: The Board reviewed a letter
from Mr. Spitler inquiring about the benefit to the Club of outside tournaments.
The financial impact was discussed. Mr. Fell. Treasurer, will write a response
to Mr. Spitler to be reviewed by President Chesarek and the Club's finance staff
to assure accuracy.
The Board is reminded of the following dates: December 6, 2001: Meeting will
be followed by Dinner for Board members and their spouses. December 17, 2001:
This will be the date for the Green Valley Country Club Employees Christmas
Dinner and Party. All Board members and spouses are encouraged to attend and
assist in serving, bussing tables, etc. This is a great opportunity to show
our appreciation to those who help make our use of the Club so enjoyable throughout
the year.
Approval and Appointment of incoming President Koch's selection of Board Chairpersons
and Liaisons from Board to the Committees. Motion to approve as presented: Olsen
, Fell second, Ayes: 5 No: 2
After brief discussion, it was found that further
input was requested by several Board members. Olsen motioned to abandon earlier
motion and vacate vote. Second approved carried. After some further discussion
about the future of certain Committees, Motion by Olsen to approved/accept chairpersons
and Liaisons as presented Varady
second. Motion carried.
New Business continued:
Minutes of Special Board meeting of October 25, 2001 were considered. Motion
by Anthony to approve as written. Fell second. Carried.
Motion by Fell to add an ax-officio seat to the Board of Directors to be filled
the Immediate Past President, if the term of the retiring President is expiring.
newly created role would assist in providing continuity to Boards as so many
issues are carried over for long periods of time. As an ex-officio member, such
Immediate Past President would not participate in the voting process. French
second. Carried.
Adjourned: 9:50 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted Jeffrey A. Olsen